Sunday, February 7, 2010

Things You Must Know Before Attracted By "Adsense Revenue Sharing"

Google Adsense revenue sharing is a rather trendy concept nowadays. Lots of websites majoring in different niches, including blogging, forums, social media, video sharing, article directory and so on, all claim that they provide a share of adsense revenue to their users who are contributing contents. Some of them even claim that they distribute 100% of their adsense revenue out, which is quite attractive at first glance.

However, as a content contributor, one might concern the following question most: how much in absolute dollar amount can I earn within a certain period of time, let's say, a month, which is the pay schedule of google adsense program. To answer this question properly, we should first understand what factors drive the absolute dollar income you'll earn from a certain adsense revenue sharing program.

For the sake of easy elaboration, I'll use the following formula to approximate the absolute income you'll earn from adsense revenue sharing program:

I = N * C * R * P, in which, I represents the absolute income you'll earn. N represents the number of visitors that view the content you contributed. C represents the Click-Through-Rate(CTR) of the ads placed by the websites for you. R represents the Pay-Per-Click(PPC) rate related to your article. P represents the percentage that the website is willing to distribute out to its content contributors.

Based on the aforementioned formula, you can easily see that your adsense revenue is determined by both yourself and the website. For example, you can improve the quality of your article, so that the number of viewers for your article will be higher. Or you can optimize your keyword selection and density, so that the PPC of the ads alongside your article will be higher. However, the major determinant of your adsense revenue still comes from the website, since the number of your content's impressions is by far more determined by the popularity and traffic of the website itself. The quality and optimization level of your content play a role to some extent, but far from critical. With regard to the adsense revenue sharing percentage, which a lot of websites manipulates to exaggerate their adsense revenue sharing programs' attractiveness,  its impact on how much one could earn is really minimal.

Arriving here, you probably know how to choose among numerous so called adense sharing programs - Only participate the few ones who already have a large traffic base. Otherwise, you are making contribution to others' wallet without gaining a reasonable return for your content. 

Therefore, the problem here is where you can find such a list of truly attractive adsense revenue sharing programs? I'll deal with this issue in my next post. Please stay tuned if you are interested.

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